Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Best of...

I have decided to post the best of previous posts in other blogs as a way to unity.

African Safari- Wal-Mart

What has a neck tattoo, is 21 but looks 40 and has two children?

Why, a Wal-Mart shopper of course!

So, there I was, shopping for the lastest Wrestling DVDs at my local Wal-Mart and, suddenly, I get pushed against the aisle because the "White Trash Train" came steaming through!



Three humans of a supposedly female-human type with two children and, my favorite find, neck tattoos. One had her name helpfully on the side of her neck, more than half way up "Trish". Hi Trish! Nice to meet you, neck to neck that is. The semi truck sized women with her has something similar, only more flower-ish and much larger. Why? How can these people hold jobs with this? Am I really that out of touch with society? Maybe I'm old. Perhaps my northern prudishness is kicking in. This find further cemented my feeling that Wal-Mart is indeed an African Safari of humanity.

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